Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's that simple.

Jimmy came home from being out of town for work on Thursday and had a cold and congestion. What do many of us do when this happens? Keep going, right? So he did.. I recall a few weeks ago when I was feeling so tired and snapped at Landon. I quickly apologized and told him that I was so tired but that it's not ok to yell even if you are tired and grumpy. I observed that Landon was also tired and grumpy and asked him what we should do. He answers quickly, "take a nap." What a concept, right? Landon has caught the cold that Jimmy has.. He informed me, when he woke today, that he should not go to school because he isn't feeling great and that he misses his friends and hopes that he feels better tomorrow. He told me that he needs soup, milk and a chocolate chocolate chip cookie from the bakery up the street. It was that simple. There was no "I got to keep going.. No time for rest." I feel like he has it right. I always say that my kids teach me more than I could ever teach them. And as he finished his getting better lunch, he said "Mommy, thanks for helping me get better."