I didn't post earlier because I didn't have a good idea of the next step and was on what Jimmy would call an "emotional roller coaster." I don't know if I have ever felt so sad and so elated, all in the same day.
I was thrilled at the idea of placing a G tube rather than a GJ tube. "If he tolerates having the feeds go to his stomach, then we will place a real G tube..." So, imagine how we felt as Landon threw up after drinking water last night. Then he threw up 3 more times...
What's the big deal about a GJ tube? Nothing at first.. But then the surgeon who placed this current tube (which moved out of place) told me that a G tube would be ideal because GJs move and come out easily. They not typically like to place them in a child who is so active. The thought of making a regular appearance because of this tube was, well is, more than I can handle.
I can easily make this post incredibly long but will get to the point. Landon is currently getting fed 24 hours per day at 50cc. His formula has 30 calories per ounce so he is getting 1200 calories per day (yes, more than he needs!). This could be the reason why he is vomiting. They switched his formula to one that provides 24 calories per day and will do continuous feeds for 12 hours a day (so will cut his intake in half) and we will offer him food orally. He often doesn't eat much but that is no surprise since he is getting so much through the tube. Aside from 12 hours of continuous feeds and oral intake, he will get short bursts of formula through the feeding tube to supplement any additional calories that he needs. I cant quite wrap my head around what this will look like but we shall see tomorrow. If he tolerates this then it sounds like he will get a real G tube rather than a dysfunctional GJ, but if not, he will get a new and improved GJ. We are praying that he tolerates this tomorrow. In an ideal word (I can't believe what our new ideal world looks like!).. Landon will tolerate these feeds tomorrow, get a G tube on Friday and go home Friday night or Saturday morning. Prayers! Prayers! Prayers!!!
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