Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paging Dr. Landon...

Landon got some pretty cool items for Christmas this year! We have been busy with art projects (mostly drawing and stickers)... We tried painting but he refuses to wear a smock or change his shirt (on the couple occasions that we tried) so he is not allowed to paint until he gives in... He got some pretend play items like a castle, fishing box and doctor kit. The doctor kit was a must have this year... We wanted him to be able to explore, in a fun way, things that he experiences regularly. When we go to the doctor he always points to an instrument, hanging on the wall, and tells us which part of the body that instrument goes with. He doesn't at all mind when the doctor (not nurses- he gives them a very hard time!) listens to his heart and lungs with the stethoscope... Shots, band aids, the blood pressure cuff are all a different story. I watched him today put a band aid from his doctor kit first on his wrist and he said "I hurt" then on Daddy's wrist- "daddy hurt" and then on mine "mommy hurt." He put the blood pressure cuff on his arm and then gave Jimmy and I a turn then lastly, gave us all a shot (or maybe took blood?). I hope that it gives him a sense of control in this medical area in which none of us have much control over. There are things that he has to do no matter how much he hates it and no matter how badly Jimmy and I wish we could do it for him. A big fear of mine is that one day, when he is older, when I can't hold him in my lap, just put him in the car seat to take him to the doctor, when it's not enough to tell him to choose where he is going to sit and to ask if he wants to help me put it in the extender; that he might tell me no and refuse to go through this stuff anymore. So what do we do in the mean time? Be honest about what is going to happen (on an age appropriate level), give choices when we can, empathize (I'm sorry that it hurts and I know that this is not fun but it will be over soon)... Let him experience his emotions- we certainly went through lots of them since his diagnosis and will continue to do so but challenge him to be optimistic, count his blessings, be happy and be grateful.... Anyway, Landon is a resilient kid, a bright little boy... He is so sweet, happy and joyful with just enough spunk and fire in him to get him in trouble at times but also to beat whatever challenges are placed in front of him. I don't think we'll have to worry all that much about him! He continues to do well eating and we may even be able to wean him from the formula a bit. He has really impressed not only Jimmy and I, but his therapist and nutritionist. My expectation when writing my last post was that Baby Jordan would have joined our family by the time I updated again. That hasn't been the case. His mama is pretty uncomfortable and goes to bed each night hoping that he decides to make his entrance that night or the following day. The 15th is eviction day though... I am due at the hospital at 7am if he doesn't make his appearance before then. We are beyond excited to meet him and to be a family of 4 with two little boys! I got a taste of what I'm going to be in for as Jimmy and Landon threw socks at each other, and at me, today in playing a game of "snow ball fight." Our lives changed once, for the better, 2 1/2 years ago and I know it only gets better from here. So c'mon Jordan- Mommy, Daddy and Landon are ready to meet you!!

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