Well, we did it! Jimmy and I took our first adult trip away from the kids ever! We did leave Jordan with my mom when we went to the Cystinosis conference in April, but this was the first time both of us, away from both kids, who actually knew that we were away... They did great with my mom and a HUGE thank you to my mom for watching them. Landon's medical needs can be overwhelming to someone who doesn't do it every day, but my mom took care of it all without a problem. It's so nice to know that we can do this and not worry. Taking care of Landon's medical needs involves eye drops 4 times per day, formula through his G tube 4 times per day including once at 2:00am and add onto that entertaining a 3 and 1 year old for an entire weekend in a home that is not your own. And, we came home to a clean house and laundry done. She is a rock star!
The weekend was great! We went with some great friends and Jimmy's brother and his wife. Great company, casinos, a fancy dinner, adult beverages, beautiful Niagara Falls, and sleeping in until late morning made it a very pleasant weekend! The weather was cold, cold, cold and felt colder than even the coldest days that we have had here in Pittsburgh lately- maybe it was because we spent a bit more time outdoors than we did when it was cold here. I kept thinking, though, how much Landon (because it doesn't take a whole lots to get Jordan excited yet) would have loved certain things- lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, the sight of the falls...). We agreed that it will be worth a short visit this summer with the boys. =)

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