Thursday, August 23, 2012


Landon, like Jimmy and I, is very much a creature of habit. He does well with his routine and knows what comes next. Well, he is also beginning to create his own routines... For the past week or so, we put Landon to bed for his nap and at night and leave the room. After several minutes he begins screaming and crying. At first I ran in afraid that something was really wrong. Now, I still go on but no longer in a panic... Landon has a Dream Lites Giraffe, a small monkey and his sippy cup in his crib. He throws each item our and cries to have them returned. He says, "oh noo!" as i walk in the room. So, I place giraffe back in his place, monkey in his place and his cup where it belongs. Landon says "nigh nigh" and that's the end of it. Am I encouraging it by doing this twice a day? Yeah, sure. But, he goes right to bed after the ritual and it makes me giggle.

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