Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby No More..

I haven't posted in so long, my goodness!! There is a little 2 year old in our house that is keeping us very busy.. Our days consist of a walk in the morning while Landon is getting a feed; either therapy (includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy or Nutrition), errands or playing outside, nap; more playing outside or errands, Daddy comes home- we eat dinner; either go for a walk or play with the neighborhood kids at the park and then bed.. I love every moment of it!! We have such a little boy now. There is no existence of baby in Landon anymore. It's a teeny bit sad, but so exciting! I love that he is growing and thriving so well!!! He wants to walk and walk and walk and walk and play and play and climb and climb... He keeps me so busy!! I think I have mentioned this before but he is such a copy cat!! He imitates EVERYTHING, particularly Jimmy. His energy level goes from about 8 before Jimmy gets home to a 10+. He hears the garage door open or sees Jimmy coming up the walkway and he yells "Dayyeeeeeeeee!!" He runs to Jimmy and shortly after begins his famous "See, see.." He pulls him by the finger and wants him to "see" something which usually is his train table or race track in the play room. It's the funniest thing! Our newest milestone is that he sits at the table by himself for meals (not at the high chair and not on a booster seat). He absolutely refuses to sit in the booster seat. It's comical because his chin barely reaches the table, but he does a great job of sitting there and has been eating fairly well. His favorites are angel hair noodles with red sauce or italian dressing on it, and almost anything with Ranch dressing. He has taken a liking to Diary Queen soft serve vanilla cones. He and I share a cone at least once a week. =0) He usually eats the scoop of ice cream and leaves me with a soggy cone and the ice cream in the cone. So, I am doing something that is a pretty big deal this weekend. I am going away, by myself, to Atlanta GA for the weekend. I leave tomorrow (Friday morning) and will be home Sunday evening. I will share more about what I am going for after I return. Nothing secretive, I just don't know much about what we will be doing quite yet. I am excited, but understandably a bit anxious to leave my little man for the weekend. Jimmy knows exactly what to do and is well prepared to handle any situation that arises, but I have never been away from him overnight. My anxiety is purely because I will miss him. But it sounds like there is a fun guy weekend planned for my two loves. They are planning to make Landon's first visit to the Children's Museum which I know will be a ton of fun. And, the two of them just have a blast together whether it be a planned activity or running through the house, each with a hockey stick in hand, yelling and making a ton of noise. Well, I will certainly have some updates next week and promise to try to do a better job of keeping up with this blog!!

1 comment:

  1. Landon sounds like he's doing very well!!! I love that he'll share an ice cream cone with you. Precious. Have fun in Georgia and tell Jimmy good luck from us.
