Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thank You...

We are half way through the month when we are reminded to think about what we are thankful for. Ideally I would post on this blog every day something that I am thankful for, but that hasn't happened! I have to say though, I think of things every day that make me thankful. So, here it goes for the first half of the month.

I am thankful for:
1. That little voice that talks himself to sleep at nap and bed time. He sometimes blows kisses too. I wonder if it's to his giraffe?
2. To be involved in so many groups online and in real life that provide support and love- Landon's Mommy and Me Pre-School Class, my April Birthday Club Mommies, South Hills Moms Group, Cystinosis Families Group and Women's Lair Group.
3. To have so many people interested in hearing Landon's story. I wrote an article about our journey with Landon in being diagnosed with Cystinosis for Cystinosis Magazine and was just interviewed by the Post Gazette about this journey and have another interview that is supposed to happen in the near future.
4. For a husband who has the energy and brings his A game when I don't have it in me. It's so refreshing to hear Jimmy in the living room playing with Landon and encouraging him to walk as I clean up after dinner.
5. For Landon's grandparents, aunts and uncles who have learned how to start up and stop his feeds, how to administer meds and how to handle whatever situation may come up while Jimmy and I aren't there. They don't hesitate for a second when we ask any one of them to watch Landon.
6. For Landon's great grandparents who beam with pride when they see him. He is so blessed to have known 3 great grandparents in his life.
7. For Landon's big cousin, Jillian- no one gets him quite as excited as she can!
8. For great aunts and uncles who kiss him, spoil him and support us in ways that we appreciate so very much!
9. For incredible neighbors who I can't say enough about. They've organized fundraisers, attended fundraisers, and have just been great friends all around. We live for those summer nights at the park.. We are so blessed that Landon, and we, will always be around friends.
10. For Rocky! Yes, Rocky our dog. He tolerates being poked and pulled at by our little wild man despite our constant reminders to be nice to Rocky. And, he even gives in at times and allows Landon to cuddle with him or plays tug of war with him.
11. For opportunity- I have recently become a Thirty-One Gifts consultant. So far, it has allowed me to make money, contribute financially to our family and gives me some adult time with wonderful women but also allows a lot of flexibility so I can be here for Landon like I need and want to be.
12. For a mischievous little boy who smiles and looks at me as he does something that he knows he's not supposed to do. He's growing up. He's not a baby like he seemed to be for such a long time.
13. Teachers- Our mothers, Landon's physical therapist, occupational therapist, his pre-school teachers, people on the Cystinosis Boards... I learn something from you all of the time. Thank you for teaching me so that I can be more knowledgeable and a better mother to my son.
14. For my sister, my sister-n-laws, my girl friends... the girl talks, the laughs, the hugs and tears. What would I do without you?
15. My mom- for everything.

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