Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big & Bad (well not Bad...)

We had our monthly weight check today. I was so sure that Landon got to 20lbs, but what I did not remember is that he was only 18lbs, 11oz a month ago so 20lbs would have been a pretty big jump. So, no our little guy is not yet 20lbs, but weighs 19lbs, 13oz. Ahh!! Just a few more ounces!!! So he gained over 1 pound in 1 month. Awesome, right?! Again, his pediatrician is very pleased with all the progress he has made. She is also pleased with how his speech is developing. She said that it sounds like he has a nice variety of words. I really should keep track of new words as he says them, but I'm just good at keeping up with it. His baby book is shameful! Anyway, the ones that he says on a regular basis are "please (pee), thank you (tank), cheese (used for for food and when you take a picture of him- hehe), no, buh bye (buh buh), eat, mum mum, and daddy. There are a bunch of other words that we think we've heard him say once or twice but I'm not going to count them because I could never recall them and because I tend to under report milestones until I'm sure that they happened!

Brooke (his pediatrician) asked how his mood has been. I told her that over the past few weeks, he has been super clingy, cries if I won't pick him up and kind of whiny. I told her that at first I wondered if he was cutting a tooth, but realized after a few days that I think we've entered into some new developmental world. Yes, what happened to my sweet, usually compliant little boy? She smiled and nodded her head. I told her that he is trying to tell me that he's boss and I continue to remind him that he is not. The past two weeks while at school, he's displayed a pretty serious cryfest when I wouldn't pick him up. Fortunately it hasn't lasted for more than a few minutes at a time when he realizes that he might as well give into my attempt to distract him. He had a couple major fits at our house because I either wouldn't pick him up or took something from him (No, Landon, you cannot walk around the house with the bottle of your prescription cream in your mouth). Part of us worries that the crying (to that degree) will lead to vomiting, but then we remember the words from Landon's nephrologist when he was in the hospital ("Don't treat him like he is sick.") So, we decide to take a chance. Fortunately he has vomited at all as a result of a meltdown. And now, as I ramble, I think I sound like we now have a little demon child on our hands. He's certainly not! My friend recently giggled when she witnessed Landon's usual "tantrum." I told him that he couldn't go up the steps and he laid down and covered his face with his hands- minor, I know! He is really such a sweet, laid back little boy who is testing boundaries. It actually makes me smile when I think about it all because it means that he is growing up, he has an opinion and he is learning how to express his wants and needs in a "big boy" way. Now, it's just a matter of Jimmy and I working with him so he learns how to get what he wants in a non-tantrumy way and how to express his emotions. Easier said than done, right?! We welcome the challenge!

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