Friday, January 27, 2012

Big Boy

This is why I know that my baby is becoming a big boy:

* He is now wearing a size 5 shoe. The difference in the look of his size 4 shoes compared to 5 is crazy. He looks like a big boy!

* I had to put away his 12 month shirts because they wouldn't fit over his head and the ones that did, fit pretty snug.

* He pooped the other day and smiled (I could hear him), got up from the floor, brought a diaper to me and then ran away.

* He follows direction. Rather than walk aimlessly around when I tell him that it's time for a bath. He walks as fast as his little legs can go, into the bathroom. The cutest is when I tell him that it's time for sleep and to give Daddy kisses.

* He is becoming very good at doing his puzzles.

* He has added a few words to the list of what he can say.

* He's becoming helpful! He throws his dirty clothes in the hamper, sometimes even before I ask him to do it. He throws his dirty diaper in the garbage and likes to throw his dishes in the sink. When he gets upset, I can usually ask him to help me with something and it distracts him and makes him very happy.

*He watches his favorite television shows (Barney and Wiggles) and dances to some of the songs. It's not just dancing. He does the movements that they do and knows what is coming next.

I think I have more questions now for how to handle certain things and I feel less like I know what I'm doing than I have since Landon has been born. But, he is becoming so much fun! I can't believe that I don't have a "baby" anymore.

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