Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It began Saturday night. I put Landon to bed at 7 and ran out to do a few errands. Jimmy told me, when I called to ask him a question, that Landon was coughing a lot. I came home around 8 to find him still awake, coughing and he began to cry when I walked in the house. I went to check on him and decided to rock him a bit to get him to settle. He started coughing hard and threw up, not his milk, bit a clear substance. I stopped his feed and he ended up sleeping as he usually does. We were invited yo a birthday party on Sunday. He was acting normal but felt a little warm so I took his temperature- no fever. So, off we went to the birthday party. While we were there, he threw up that clear substance again. We left the party right after.. The rest of Sunday was a bit up and down. He was tired but seemed to act normal, but once he woke Monday, it was very obvious that he was sick. Symptoms? Terrible cough, congestion, sneezing, runny nose.. The poor boy has a heck of a time at night and staying asleep. He's so tired but can't get settled and eventually fights the whole idea of going back to sleep. His fever is not at all consistent and his breathing seems normal but we are heading to see his pediatrician this afternoon to check his ears and breathing just to be on the safe side. I will update with more info!


Update: His pediatrician said that his breathing sounds good and his chest is clear, but he does have a ton of mucous built up. He, unfortunately, has an ear infection. Poor baby! But she said that the antibiotic should loosen all that yuck and hopefully help the coughing. No wonder the kid has had a tough time sleeping. He's usually a great sleeper (sleeps 7pm-7am and take a 2 hour nap during the day). The past two nights he has been up 2-3 times, napping less and overall exhausted from lack of sleep. He's down a bit in weight (less than a pound) which obviously bums me out but I completely understand why. Months ago I set a goal weight, I wanted to weigh under _______ (you didn't think I'd reveal my weight on a public blog, did you?!) by the time Landon hits 20lbs, well I thought he beat me to it, but it looks like we are reaching that mark right around the same time. I wish he did beat me to it, but he's still doing very well! We just have to get past this nasty bug! Thanks for caring, and I will update as the week goes forward! Hopefully he's feeling better by the weekend! We have his friend's birthday party to go to!!!!

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