Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our almost 2 year old!

Landon announced yesterday, as I tried to put him in his high chair for lunch, that he is a big boy and no longer requires a high chair. He did this by arching his back, kicking his feet, pushing the tray off the the chair along with his plate. Point taken.. So, I opted to place his plate on his little table and chair set and placed him on the chair. That worked just fine.. The problem is that Rocky is at eye level with his little table so this mommy has to be extra aware of where all parties in the house are while Landon is eating. I think we'll venture out to Babies R Us soon and look for a booster seat...

Our big boy is also working to expand his vocabulary a bit which is awesome! I think he is a bit behind with his verbal language although I think is right on target with receptive language. We read books before nap and before bed every day. He also asks for books to be read throughout the day so we do spend a good bit of team reading. He always seems to have a favorite book that he requests over and over again. Well lately, it has been one of those books called "100 First Words." It includes pictures and the word written next to it. It's not exactly fun to read but he gets so excited about it and is really learning a lot from reading it! Some words he repeats (cheese, eat, cup, key etc.. ), some words he repeats and points to where it goes (hat, shoe etc), some words he simply points to where it goes (shirt, shoe), some of the animal words he makes the sound for (moo, baa, woof, oink- although oink includes an "e" sound) and other words he just looks at me with a blank stare (strawberry, tomato).. Anyway, it is great to watch him catch onto to something each time we read it. And the proud look on his face makes it all worthwhile!

Last and certainly not least- we had an evaluation with a Nutritionist today. We are going to add this service to our early intervention plan along with Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. I think she'll be able to teach me some things in supporting and encouraging eating with Landon. Plus, she will weigh him when she comes. I tend to use the weight from his pediatrician's office since that is where he has been weighed since day one and it gives us baseline data from way back.. But, I choose not to brush off the fact that she weighed him, on her scale, at 21 lbs, 3oz!! Yes ladies and gentleman- Landon has his that 20lb mark! Now, we go to his pediatrician on April 6th for his 2 year check up so will confirm it then which will call for a celebration but, we weighed him completely in the nude (and he hates it as much at home as he does in the doctor's office) and she measured him- 31 inches!!! He has been measured at 29.5 inches for quite some time now and although he was wiggly when we did it, I don't think it's too far off!!! And, guess what... he is now on the growth chart for weight!!!! 3%!! He's not on there for height yet but she said he is so close! Lots of good news!! I'm amazed by the strides he has made right before he turns 2 years old- which by the way, is only about a week and a half away. Oh my goodness!!

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