Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here Comes the Bride, Groom and Landon...

Landon is a pretty lucky little boy. He has been honored to be included in two very important events in our family, my sisters wedding back in May and now Jimmy's brother's wedding this weekend! My sister's wedding, pre-diagnosis, went smoothly. At the time, he was vomitting a good bit, and I was so anxious that he would throw up all over his adorable little 6-9 month-still way too big on him tuxedo. Well he didn't.. I carried him down the aisle and he was as good as gold and the wedding was as perfect as could be!

So, here we are, in his second wedding with a diagnosis of Cystinosis and some special needs. I am a bit anxious about everything, because I wouldn't be Lauren if I weren't a bit anxious about everything going smoothly! I have a plan going through my mind constantly. I will do his first feed,then head over to the beautiful bride's house to get my hair and make up done, Jimmy will get Landon down for a nap around noon (maybe a little earlier!) and my mom and dad will come over at 1pm so that Jimmy can go to his sister's house and meet the groom and groomsmen for pictures and to head over to the church. My mom will get him ready, or maybe I will at the church, and hopefully he sits nicely in the wagon that will be pulled by his adorable cousin in her flower girl dress.. Will he sit with me or should I let him sit with one set of grandparents? Hmm.. and will I have time to get his feed and meds together at 4pm so then my parents can take him to the reception? Hopefully he doesn't throw up at all because we've been having some belly issues again. And well now, he has been going to bed a little earlier so how will he handle being up late and we are staying at the hotel so hopefully they have a crib set up, like we asked, but just in case we'll put his pack n play in the car... Yes- this is your brain as Lauren Hartz...

Despite the constant thinking, wondering and hoping going on in my head. I can't wait for this weekend! I will post pictures!!!

Oh, and I would like to note that he is still wearing a 6-9 month tuxedo, but it actually fits!!!

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