Sunday, September 25, 2011

Landon's World

It is Landon's world and Jimmy and I are just living in it! My sweet little angel boy has become quite a little character! He wants what he wants when he wants it! I actually attempted time out with him a couple of days ago. I never expected to give my almost 18 month old a time out, but redirection and saying "No" was just not cutting it. Landon has gone from being BFFs with our dog Rocky (not necessarily by Rocky's choice) to victimizing him! Rocky was chewing on his bone the other day and Landon repeatedly (despite my attempts to redirect and tell him "No") tried to take the bone from him. When Rocky wouldn't give it up, Landon proceeded to hit him. When I removed him from where Rocky was and said, "Landon, do not hit the doggie," he hit me. So, I sat him on his Elmo chair and told him that he has to sit because he was not nice to Mommy and to Rocky. He may not understand time out, but he did know that it was not good that he was made to sit in his chair. He tried to hit me again and pulled out a pretty serious puppy dog lip (he has perfected this one!).

And let me tell you, I dread the cold weather coming because this little boy is very persistent about going outside to play. What will I do if he is not walking and wants to crawl around in the snow? Ohh noo, please Landon start walking before the snow comes!

I have to admit that I smirk as I type this... I LOVE that Landon has some fire in him now and doesn't just go along with whatever we say or do.. He has an opinion and he is learning to voice that opinion. And on my, is he dramatic when he voices it. He throws his head back, flaps his little arms and gives that puppy dog lip. It takes everything out of me not to laugh hysterically! Which reminds me, he had his first big boo boo last week. I left the kitchen (where he was playing with his magnets) to put the vacuum away. As I walked back in, I witness him falling forward onto the ground. He bit his lip which results in a good bit of blood. I felt terrible! I rushed to comfort him and grabbed a wet rag. My attempts to wipe the blood from his mouth resulted in a very angry and hurt Landon throwing the wash cloth! After throwing it several times, he told me off in a way that I've never been told off before. Holy cow! He did not care about my apologies or attempts to comfort him. He was mad and he wanted me to know..

We have quite a little firecracker on our hands! I love it, but I just hope that I can keep up!

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