Monday, September 17, 2012


They say to only make one transition at a time. Unfortunately timing is a bit off so we are slowly making two big transitions- preschool and a big boy bed. Maybe we should throw potty training in there just for fun, no? No! Potty training isn't even on my radar right now- well, maybe it is but I promise not to act on it. Landon reaching milestones has been pretty easy so far- easy in that it either was a slow process (walking) or he just decided one day to go for it (giving up the binky).. We aren't too used to this tough love kind of thing. I have always felt that Landon did things at his own rate and no sense in stressing or pushing it. But I don't think that the theory will work with preschool or the big boy bed. He seems to only want to go half way in both situations. He will go to school and participate but Mommy stays too... He will lay in his big boy bed but don't put his blanket and Sleep Sheep there because he is not sleeping there... Our plan? Transition him to the big boy bed Supernanny style. Do his normal bedtime routine, put him in bed and face away from him. We are still in the room but not engaging. If he gets out of bed, put him back in without saying anything. As far as preschool, I am going to stay with him and if he seems comfortable and is okay with me leaving then I will but otherwise I am not going to push it, at least for a couple more classes. Wish us luck!!!!

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