Thursday, April 19, 2012


Remember, no news is good news. Things have been going so well! Life has been crazy and busy though.

Landon woke today with a runny nose and sneezing. I pray that it doesn't get worse because I do not, repeat- do not, want to have to slow his feeds again. After our first session with our new nutritionist, we decided to tweak his feeds. We increases the rate at night so that he is taking in more formula while he sleeps and added 1 ounce to his 8am and 12pm feed. The goal was for him to take in the same amount of formula, because he is gaining weight beautifully, but to eliminate the 3rd bolus feed at 4pm. It worked and we have been on this new schedule for about a week. There should be no reason why he wouldn't continue to gain because he is getting the same amount of formula, but I will admit that I am anxious about his next weight check. It seems too easy now!! He is definitely showing more of an interest in eating and is taking in more! We are no where near not needing feeds but this is a big step in the right direction.

His verbal communication is coming along too! He is really trying to repeat words. Today he came to me and said "na na." I didn't understand so asked him to show me what he wants. He went to the kitchen and wanted me to open the refrigerator. I did and he looked confused and said "nana." Banana! He wanted a banana. They were not in the refrigerator which is why he was confused. I may have mentioned this before but his receptive language skills are great. He follows direction very well and understands what we say. Despite these leaps forward, I called his case manager today to try to initiate speech therapy. On one hand, I know that kids develop at their own pace and I have learned, if nothing else, patience when it comes to Landon reaching milestones. However, the muscles we use to talk are the same ones we use to chew. Landon has not used these muscles like most kids have so is at a disadvantage. He may do just fine but I want to be proactive.

Feeding and talking are our main updates right now. We had a great Easter and Landon's birthday party was a blast! It was at Gymboree and was fun and very physical. He participated in almost all of the activities which was a big deal! He does everything a this own pace and is always cautious and safe. He is such a funny little boy!

We have a lot more upcoming events so I will have a lot to post about! One event being a wedding in which Landon is the ring bearer (this is his 3rd!)...So long for now!!!

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