Wednesday, April 25, 2012


As I posted last time, Landon has words that he uses but I certainly wouldn't say that he is talking and communicating as well as a lot of other kids his age. This morning he came into the kitchen with his hockey stick. After trying to push Rocky with it as if Rocky was a ball, I told him that if he pushes Rocky with it again I will take it from him. I then told him to go find his ball. He walks into the living room only to come right back. Our conversation went something like this... Landon: idunnowamabais Me: you don't know where it is? Maybe in your play room? Landon: oh ya (ya sounding like ra ra, as in a cheerleader chant) I don't know how else to describe it! Now did he try to say, "I don't know where my ball is?" I don't know, but it sure sounded like that. Jimmy and I were laughing last night. He got a race track for his birthday and we were making the cars race and at the start, we would say "1,2,3 Gooo!!!" Landon walked around for the rest of the night and this morning saying, "Ahh, twoo, Ahh Gooo!!" Before we know it, we will be having real conversations that not just mommy and daddy understand. Until then, we'll be entertained by Landonese!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love how your kids communicate at this age! And nice blog redesign!!
